Thursday, May 8, 2014

Counting Down The School Days

School is finally coming to an end. The summer vibes are quickly overwhelming students, making them procrastinate even more than before. Even worse, teachers are starting to hand out and discuss finals. If your grade is at the borderline, you are going to need to study your brains out to ace that final in order to bump the grade up. Yes, you probably cringe at the thought of studying for hours while your friends are out getting ice cream and watching a movie. But in the end, you will be the one with the better grade because you studied. Remember you have all summer to have fun; sacrifice two weeks to study. You will not regret it. Here are a few tips to help you keep in good shape as your current school year comes to an end:
      1. Do your homework. Even if your grade is solid, every point counts! 
            2. Be on time to school. That extra five minutes of sleep is nice, but you don’t want the tardies to add up and lead to detention!   
            3. Do all the Extra Credit. It can be the difference between an A and a B!

Keep working hard girls!


  1. Love this since we just did a similar post on our blog, check it out if you want!

  2. Nice informational post! This is the perfect motivation to keep working hard.

  3. WOW! NICE! this blog is great! :)
